Publications + Talks
Selected talks and publications, in reverse chronological order:
Book chapter: "Something ventured, something gained? Fostering (and measuring) startup growth and entrepreneurial learning in accelerators." Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy–2023 (2022): 415-423. Google Books.
Conference paper: "Getting Naked: How high levels of disclosure can support funder-recipient relations." Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). With Steph Haywood. Raleigh, November 2022.
Conference paper: “Invited to the Grownup Table: From paternalism to partnership in highly engaged philanthropy. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). With Steph Haywood. Raleigh, November 2022.
Conference paper: Fostering (and Measuring) Startup Growth and Entrepreneurial Learning in Accelerators. With Sharon Levite-Vaknin, Sathwick Reddy. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers. Las Vegas, October 2022.
Conference paper: The “I” in Team: evaluating individual improvements for entrepreneurs alongside venture outcomes. With Sharon Levite-Vaknin, Gabriel Price-Christenson, Raveh Harush. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers. Baltimore, October 2021.
Conference paper: "Diversity: a measurable component of startup team success?" With Sharon Levite-Vaknin, Gabriel Price-Christenson, Raveh Harush. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers. Baltimore, October 2021.
Conference paper: She said, he said: do entrepreneurship accelerator programs listen?: A social/cultural reproduction approach to language and images in entrepreneurship. With Rosanna Garcia, Daniel Baack, Gabe Price-Christensen. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 2021.
Article (with Consentic, a great company for whom I'm an advisor): Miao Y, Venning VL, Mallitt KA, Rhodes JE, Isserman NJ, Moreno G, Lee S, Ryman W, Fischer G, Saunderson RB. A randomized controlled trial comparing video-assisted informed consent with standard consent for Mohs micrographic surgery. JAAD international. 2020 Jul 1; 1(1):13-20. PDF.
- Conference panel: experiences evaluating changemaker education. Ashoka U Exchange. Minneapolis, April 2020.
Conference paper: Founders of foundations: the role of founders in creating and managing innovations in philanthropy. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). San Diego, November 2019.
Invited seminar: Government of Singapore, National Council of Social Service. Full team of Fund Allocation Directorate. Singapore, March 2018.
Invited seminar: Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy, National University of Singapore Business School. Singapore, March 2018.
Invited seminar: Center for Social Impact, University of New South Wales (with University of Western Australia, Swinburne University of Technology). Sydney, February 2018.
Keynote: The Chicago and Illinois entrepreneurship ecosystems. MBA Entrepreneurial Forum. Chicago, April 2017. Program and panel description here.
Keynote: “Friggin’ Millenials!”: A human-centered approach to moving beyond caricature in examining generations, the Millennial generation, the core institutions and experiences thereof. University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, 13th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference. Los Angeles, November 2016.
Brief Keynote, Cordes Innovation Award acceptance: Social Innovation and the iVenture Accelerator at the University of Illinois. Ashoka U Annual Conference. New Orleans, February 2016. Video of Cordes Innovation Award acceptance.
Invited panelist: Can social finance meet social need? Gates Cambridge Biennial Conference. With Julia Li Senior VP, Seven Bridges Genomics, former Director, Global Health Investment Fund; Isaac Holeman, Cofounder at Medic Mobile; Helen Heap, Founder and CEO Seebohm Hill Ltd. Cambridge, UK, July 2016. Podcast of panel.
Presenter, sharing results of $21,500 Venturewell grant: Progress Through Product: Creating a curricular and co-curricular pipeline for student entrepreneurship with social purpose. Venturewell Open. Portland, March 2016.
Invited Plenary, member of Expert Group: Non-financial support models: what is it worth? European Venture Philanthropy Association Annual Conference. Madrid, December 2015. Video interview on provision of non-financial services by venture philanthropists.
Invited paper: Corporate Foundations and their Governance: Unexplored Territory in the Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda. With Ishva Minefee, Huseyin Leblebici, Eric Neuman. For Annals of Social Responsibility, 2015.
Keynote: Thoughts on the Future and Financing of Social Entrepreneurship: Toward three-Sector Co-Creation. November 2015, New York University Stern School of Business, 12th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference.
Conference paper: 1000 Years of Social Purpose Collaboration: What’s new, what isn’t, and why it matters so much. With Carrie Bosch, Ashley Long, and Wynne Korr. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Denver, November 2014.
Conference paper: When the State Gives: one nation, three sectors, and the emergence of state-supported venture philanthropy. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Denver, November 2014.
Conference paper: Boon or boondoggle: foundation-coordinated professional support services for nonprofits and their value. Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Denver, November 2014.
Invited Plenary, member of Expert Group: Non-financial support models: what is it worth? European Venture Philanthropy Association Annual Conference. Madrid, December 2015. Video interview on provision of non-financial services by venture philanthropists.
Speaker: Global Conference on Social Impact. Notre Dame University Mendoza School of Business. June 17, 2013. “Government-financed venture philanthropy in pursuit of national social-impact goals: examining a novel model in Scotland.” 30-minute talk to all attendees presenting initial results and implications of a survey of Scottish government officials and charity CEOs. Program and abstract.
Keynote: What drives growth in entrepreneurial charities? Empirical findings and lessons from Scotland. Meeting of major British foundation leaders, Adam & Co. Private Bank. August 2014, London.
Conference paper: Social work 2060: The role of social work in educating change agents of the future. With Wynne Korr, Carrie Bosch, Ashley Long. Network for Social Work Management. Boston, June 2014.
Short-form article: When the State Gives: a Three-Sector “Mid-Atlantic” Model for Supporting the Voluntary Sector. Philanthropy Impact Magazine, Spring 2014, pp. 51-53. London: European Association for Philanthropy and Giving (EAPG), Philanthropy UK, and the Philanthropy Advisors Forum (PAF). PDF.
Report: An Independent Research Report on an Innovative Third Sector Financing Model: The Practices, Impact and Implications of Inspiring Scotland’s First Five Years. December 2013, Edinburgh. PDF. Covered by Holyrood Magazine.
Paper: Noah Isserman and Ann Markusen, “Shaping the Future through Narrative: the Third Sector, Arts and Culture.” International Regional Science Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2013: 115-36: 2013. PDF.